

英 ['ɪnəs(ə)nt]美['ɪnəsnt]
  • adj. 无辜的;无罪的;无知的
  • n. 天真的人;笨蛋
  • n. (Innocent)人名;(英、西)因诺森特;(法)伊诺桑


Innocent people being suspected groundlessly.


It would all be innocent enough—20 minutes of busy work—except it comes attached to a personal essay.


They clearly saw the man who attacked them, yet they mistakenly identified an innocent person.


As the hacking trial concludes – finding guilty ones-editor of the News of the World, Andy Coulson, for conspiring to hack phones ,and finding his predecessor, Rebekah Brooks, innocent of the same charge –the winder issue of dearth of integrity still standstill, Journalists are known to have hacked the phones of up to 5,500 people.


As the hacking trial concludes – finding guilty one ex-editor of the News of the World, Andy Coulson, for conspiring to hack phones, and finding his predecessor, Rebekah Brooks, innocent of the same charge – the wider issue of dearth of integrity still st

2015年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

Then it presents that connection, even among two-year-olds, between girls as not only innocent but as evidence of innocence.

2012年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

We fear rejection, or that our innocent social advances will be misinterpreted as "weird".

2015年考研真题(英语二)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

While seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a damaging impact on our professional, social, and personal wellbeing.

2014年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ
